Thursday, May 7, 2020

various process of thermodynamics

various proces of thermodynamics

1) isothermal process: 
during this proces, temperature has constant. so change in temperature also becomes zero.
 ∆T = 0
Because of ∆T=0, Also ∆U(change in internal energy) will be zero. because we have Equation for ∆U,

2) Adiabatic process:
during this process, heat of syatem will be constant. system did not gain or loose heat during this process.
so,.      ∆Q=0

3) Isobaric process:
during this process, system pressure becomes constant or not change occurs in pressure of system.
so...      ∆P=0

4) Isochoric process:
during this process, volume of system has constant. so during this process, work done by system will be zero.

Why workdone will be zero during isochoric process?
Ans: because of equation of work done, we have Equation for work done is
            W=P∆V.        ...................1
in equation 1 for isochoric process ∆V=0. so work done will be zero.

THANK YOU...for video go to link

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